Score 3 for the South Shore Sains Chorus at Spring 2024 NED Division Convention

Earlier this month, from May 2 to May 4, the South Shore Saints attended the Northeastern District (NED) Spring Convention/Contest of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) in Warrensburg, where BHS choruses/quartets (men’s, ladies, and mixed) in the Mountain and Western Divisions showcased their talent. Much as in the past two years, it was well-attended by singers from all throughout the Northeastern US. In addition, a contingent of choruses from the Mid-Atlantic region, most notably the Alexandra Harmonizers led by the irresistible Joe Cerruti , traveled up to the convention to perform on the post-contest show on Saturday, May 4. It is with great pleasure to report to you that for the 3rd year in a row, the South Shore Saints won the Mountain Division Most Improved Chorus award. In addition to winning the Mountain Division Very Large Quartet (VLQ) award, they also took home the Mountain Division Chorus Champion award—the f...