Score 3 for the South Shore Sains Chorus at Spring 2024 NED Division Convention


Earlier this month, from May 2 to May 4, the South Shore Saints attended the Northeastern District (NED) Spring Convention/Contest of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) in Warrensburg, where BHS choruses/quartets (men’s, ladies, and mixed) in the Mountain and Western Divisions showcased their talent.

Much as in the past two years, it was well-attended by singers from all throughout the Northeastern US.  In addition, a contingent of choruses from the Mid-Atlantic region, most notably the Alexandra Harmonizers led by the irresistible Joe Cerruti, traveled up to the convention to perform on the post-contest show on Saturday, May 4.

It is with great pleasure to report to you that for the 3rd year in a row, the South Shore Saints won the Mountain Division Most Improved Chorus award.  In addition to winning the Mountain Division Very Large Quartet (VLQ) award, they also took home the Mountain Division Chorus Champion award—the first time they have done so since first winning it in 2013.

Although none of the three quartets fielded by the chorus exceeded the cut to progress to the NED District Convention in October, the newest of the three, the Harmony Men, missed the cut by less than 1 point.

The Harmony Men at the 2024 Spring Division NED Convention

Recycled Parts, long the stalwart quartet of the Saints, behind by no more than 2 points, was bestowed the honor of serving as mic-tester quartet for the Quartet Finals Competition.  And 4Give n 4Get, the only senior quartet of the three, celebrated the event with one indefatigable member returning to quartet competition at 77 for the first time more than five years. 

4Give n 4Get at the 2024 Spring Division NED Convention

One of the most interesting things about attending BHS contests is that choruses and quartets are offered the opportunity to receive feedback from the judges.  Until last year, much of the feedback the Saints had received concerned singing technique (average score of <65 on singing, musicality, and performance).  This year, many members were surprised by the feedback.  As Director Alan Briand noted, the judges' comments focused almost solely on how to interpret and connect with the audience (average scores >65).  This was a pleasant surprise, as it suggested that the chorus had crossed an important threshold in its journey to become a singing organisation of note.

Naturally, the members were quite ecstatic about their accomplishments.  This was evident in their serenity and composure throughout the entire event.  And during the post-contest show, they appeared thoroughly content in expressing their emotions fully and freely, showing their vulnerable sides by openly crying at times—an ability that men in particular seem to have difficulty with.  Should the members learn to harness this ability, there is no telling how more formidable the organization could become.

Reporting from Montreal,
Tatsuya Oyama

Disclosure Statement: The author is Vice President of Music, South Shore Saints.

Postscript 1: The South Shore Saints will host an Annual Barbeque at 321 rue Empire, Greenfield Park, on June 5, 2024 (Wednesday evening from ~6:00 p.m.).  For $10, visitors will be presented with servings of barbecue, side dishes, salads, and desserts, along with drinks, and be treated to a night filled with wonderful music. As a tribute to Don Gillepsie, one of the original founders of the Saints, who passed away earlier this year, the Saints welcome any proceeds from visitors, which will contribute toward a Sing Canada plaque that recognize the late Mr. Gillepsie's legacy in promoting singing.

Postscript 2: The Saints will host a second Spaghetti Supper at 321 Rue Empire, Greenfield Park on Saturday, September 14 (from ~6:00 pm).  For only 20$, visitors be served appetizers, fresh salad, spaghetti (including gluten free) with your choice of sauce (again including gluten free), a wide selection of desserts to choose from, and a variety of drinks.  They will also have the opportunity to win a highly prized Wine Raffle, for which tickets will be available on the day of the event, as well as at the Annual Barbecue on June 5.

We look forward to seeing you at one or both events!



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