The South Shore Saints again qualified for the NED Fall Convention

 Most Improved, every year: This is our goal as a chorus.  

 Our long-time director, Alan Briand, has installed this mindset in each of us.

Alan Briand, Music Director

At contest, the chorus competes against other choruses of all sizes and from various background; all things we cannot control.  For us, the goal is to improve ourselves, time after time.   We are so fortunate to have our Music Director Alan Briand and Assitant-Director Steven Wheaton with us, for with the experience they have accumulated over the years, they have laid the foundations for the recent successes of our chorus.

In the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), choruses are organized into Districts, and in Divisions within districts.  The South Shore Saints Chorus is part of the Mountain Division of the Northeastern District (NED).  NED organises division contest in Spring and Fall.  Those choruses that qualify at the Spring contest can compete at the district level in the Fall.  

The Chorus competed sixteen years (we could not compete in 2020 and 2021 because of covid restrictions) over the past eighteen years.  Of these sixteen years, the chorus qualified forteen times (it is a good average, is it not?) for District!!

The South Shore Saints Chorus won the Most Improved Chorus award at division level over the last two years and has won it at District Level last year.  One of our goal, going into this fall's district convention, is to win the Most Improved Chorus award once more. 


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