Annual Barbeque: In Memory of Don Gillepsie, Founding Member

On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, the South Shore Saints hosted their Annual Barbeque. This year’s event was special, as it served as an occasion to honor the life of the late Donald (Don) William Gillepsie, the last original charter member of our organization to pass away. We were most fortunate that his wife Cathy Gillepsie, who made the trip from Ontario, shared her memories of Don with us among a packed house full of kindred spirits from all across the Greater Montreal region.

The more than 100 guests who filled the hall

Cathy Gillespie with photos and memorabilia of Don Gillespie

Don Gillespie (left)

When I first heard the news from Alan Briand (our director, who sings Bass) earlier in the year that "Don" (who I had never known) had been the last surviving “Founding Father,” was a tenor, and had passed away on February 13 (having just turned 92), I could not help but feel an instantaneous kinship with him, for I too am a tenor and he had passed away on none other than my birthday. Naturally, his name became forever etched in my memory. 

As for our barbeque, the weather was hot and humid but clear, and over 100 guests had arrived. Unlike our Spaghetti Suppers in the spring and autumn, which we hold to raise funds to cover contest registration fees for the chorus, this summer event began as an opportunity to raise funds for youth to attend harmony camp, and to honor members who had passed away with plaques. The event also serves as a bridge between early summer and autumn, shortly before many of us become occupied with the festivities and getaways during the short summers in Quebec.

This year’s food offerings included turkey dogs and burgers (arranged by Lead/Baritone Michel Boucher at Exceldor), grilled personally by Alan and Bass/Tenor Peirre-Eric Greaves, as has become customary. Personally, one thing I particularly enjoy is the wide assortment of salads and appetizers prepared by many of our members (John Gammon’s Thai-style beet salad did not disappoint). And of course, one cannot forget the desserts options, including the many home-made by Steve Wheaton, our assistant director (who is fluent in all parts).

Once everyone had had their fill, the evening’s proceedings began with Alan introducing Cathy. After a poignant moment when Alan lost composure, Cathy recounted stories of Don’s wide-ranging involvement in barbershop singing, including singing with, directing, and arranging songs for, the Montreal chapter and its quartets; chartering the South Shore Saints; and meeting with destiny, after a chain of fortuitous events opened doors for his quartet to compete in the 1967 International Competition at Los Angeles. 

Cathy Gillespie and Alan Briand share a precious moment

Then came one of the most touching moments of the evening: Cathy presented Alan with a set song arrangements that Don had handwritten. Is there any doubt that we will be learning one of them for our Annual Show in late November? I am no gambler, but would consider betting the house on the next 50/50!

The ensuing entertainment showcased one of the most eclectic collections of a cappella groups in recent memory at one of our events. The presence of the members of the Greater Montreal Chapter of the BHS (consisting of Chorale Quatrevoix and the West Island Harmony Chorus), the Greater Montreal Chorus, as well the recently formed NDG Encore Singing Chorus coached by our assistant director himself, made for a truly memorable gathering appropriate for the special occasion.

 How can one not be uplifted by the Harmony Men's I'm Sittin' on Top of the World?

... and their oh so retro-evocative Life is a Cabaret?

Frank Kermit's eloquent tribute to Don Gillespie, followed by a performance by the NDG Encore Singing Chorus

Recycled Parts' Steven Wheaton, Jay-Lee Busque, and John Gammon

... together with Alan Briand as solo, performing their delightful Ring of Fire

Members of Quatrevoix and the West Island Chorus, performing their mixed voice repertoire

To all our guests and friends: we hope you had as good a time as we did! Please let us know if there are things we can improve. We thank Exceldor for their generous donations of burgers and turkey dogs. And to all who helped us raise funds to commemorate Don Gillepsie’s role in the founding, establishment, and growth of our organization, thank you for your generosity. Your gifts will be donated to Sing Canada Harmony to secure a plaque in Don’s name on the “Keep a Melody Ringing Award” at BHS headquarters—a plaque that serves to commemorate deceased members of the society and is tied to Sing Canada Harmony and the Harmony Foundation of the BHS. Finally, thank you Cathy, for making your memories of Don come to life, shining a light on an important part of our history, and inspiring us further to keep the whole world singing.





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