Annual Barbeque: In Memory of Don Gillespie, Founding Member

On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, the South Shore Saints hosted their Annual Barbeque . This year’s event was special, as it served as an occasion to honor the life of the late Donald (Don) William Gillespie , the last original charter member of our organization to pass away. We were most fortunate that his wife Cathy Gillespie , who made the trip from Ontario, shared her memories of Don with us among a packed house full of kindred spirits from all across the Greater Montreal region. The more than 100 guests who filled the hall Cathy Gillespie with photos and memorabilia of Don Gillespie Don Gillespie (left) When I first heard the news from Alan Briand (our director, who sings Bass ) earlier in the year that "Don" (who I had never known) had been the last surviving “Founding Father,” was a tenor, and had passed away on February 13 (having just turned 92), I could not help but feel an instantaneous kinship with him, for I too am a tenor and he had passed away on non...