Sean Henry, Host of CBC Daybreak to MC 2024 Annual Show!

Last year’s show, Tout le monde à bord (All Aboard), showcased a spectacular fun-loving international-level quartet in Daily Special, and a riveting repertoire of journey-related songs, including a fabulous rendition of Stardust, the most recorded song in history.  If you were there, you likely recall the mesmerizing standing ovation at the end, which seemed to suspend time. 

Building on that success, we are excited to inform you that our 2024 show will feature a distinguished guest as our MC: Award-winning Host of CBC Daybreak, Sean Henry

How did this come about?

It began in early January of 2023.  I was listening to CBC's Radio Noon with Shawn Apel. Rebecca Ugolini, Cultural Reporter for CBC Daybreak, sitting in for Shawn, was discussing topic of the day: "What are some hobbies that enrich your life?", and was inviting listeners to call in. 

Since joining the chorus in 2021, we had discussions of our need for new members.  For some time, I had been mulling over how to explain why I became a Barbershopper and what about it made it so rewarding.  As I listened to the first few callers, the temptation to share my pastime became irresistible.  In a spontaneous fit, I called in and rambled on about the joy of singing.  I forgot to mention the chorus, and vowed if I ever had a next time, I would make sure not to forget.

Fortunately, in late February, Rebecca reached out to us to ask if she could cover the chorus on her weekly culture segment on CBC Daybreak.  At our March 1 rehearsal, she came to record music and conversations with some of the members, and aired an excellent story on the Saints in conversation with Sean Henry the following week.  

One thing led to another.  That day, someone else who happened to be listening was Colin Harris, CBC editor of the First Person Story series.  A few days later, he called to ask if I would contribute an article describing the story of how I became aBarbershopper.

(Note: In September, I would later get another chance to redeem myself on Radio Noon with Shawn Apel: "What Makes You Happy?" as the last caller to plug our chorus, and receive a boost from guest Professor Richard Kesner of the Human Motivation Lab at McGill University on the merits of Barbershop singing (the clip starts at 46:00).

Fast forward to September.  We were preparing for the Fall District Convention and Contest in Nashua, New Hampshire, while simultaneously looking ahead to prepare for our annual show.  We reached out to Sean Henry directly to see if Daybreak would be interested in providing us some publicity.  That eventually led to an interview with him the day before our show, when Alan and I discussed the chorus, its history, and barbershop singing, among other topics.

And so it was, that on the day of our show, we finally met up with Sean Henry, who had graciously accepted an invitation to come see our a cappella spectacle.  He even stayed to mingle with guests at the post-show Afterglow!  The rest is history.  

As a prelude to our show next year in 2025, which will mark our 65th Anniversary as a chorus, we look forward to making this year’s show another one for the ages!




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