An Appeal to Our Future Members

Calling on All gentlemen of the Greater Montreal Area!!!

Are you looking for opportunities to…

  • bring smiles and joy to others and give back to the community?
  • form lasting bonds/friendships across generations?
  • regain or improve your physical health?
  • sing as an intellectual challenge?

Your search may be over. We are The South Shore Saints, an all-men’s a cappella chorus. We are one of the few Quebec chapters of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS)—a United States organization founded in 1938. The style of singing promoted by BHS, originally named “The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America,” focuses on the harmony of 4 voice parts—tenor, lead, baritone, and bass.

This sounds difficult. Most of us are neither sight readers nor trained in music. Yet most of us can learn by ear. As long as you can carry a tune, it is easy to learn the songs, using the learning tracks and wealth of information BHS provides on best practices for learning. This makes learning fun. But that is only the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to the satisfaction we derive from Barbershop singing.

South Shore Saints Barbershop Chorus, circa 2022

First, we feel a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in spreading joy to others in the community through singing. We have 4 annual performances, one each in the spring, summer, autumn, and late November (the last being our Annual Show or ‘Spectacle’). We participate in various community events, such as the summer festivals in St. Lambert and/or at the Parc de la Cité Longueuil. We also sing for seniors at CSHLDs or elderly homes and temporary residents at home shelters (Abri de la Rive Sud in Longueuil).

Performance at Parc de la Cité Longueuil, August 20, 2023

Second, one of our great strengths is the strong social bonding among us, which comprise 5 octogenarians, 2 septuagenarians, 5 sexagenarians, 2 quinquagenarians, one quadragenarian, one tricenarian, and 2 vicenarians (that is, 5 in their 80s, two in their 70s, 5 in their 60s, two in their 50s, one in his 40s, one in his 30s, and two in their 20s). I am always inspired by the camaraderie among our members whose ages span up to 6 decades of separation.

More singing after Wednesday rehearsal, December 14, 2023

Third, singing is an exercise that engages the entire body. We are blessed to have directors with many years of experience in instructing singers to maximize their abilities. We also receive occasional coaching from expert performers, who help us improve our storytelling and performance. That we have so many members still going strong into their 80s attests to the physical health benefits of singing.

Wednesday rehearsal, 7:30-10:00 pm, 321 Rue Empire, Greenfield Park, May 22, 2024

Finally, singing four-part harmony involves cognitive challenges that keep us on our toes, requiring us individually and as a group to coordinate our singing, musical interpretations, and performance. To check our progress, every spring and autumn we travel to conventions in the northeastern US and/or Canada, where we participate in contests and receive feedback from judges on how to improve on these measures.

We are continually improving. Since 2022, we have won the Mountain Division Most Improved Chorus award for 3 years straight at the Northeastern District (NED) Spring Convention and Contest. This year, we came home with clear evidence of our progress: for the first time, we received feedback focused on how to capture our audience. To quote two of our members who attended the convention, which was held in Warrensburg near Lake George, New York:

"What a delight this weekend was. These conventions allow us to spend time together and increase our brotherhood. We had so much fun singing together. All our ensembles, quartets, VLQ (Very Large Quartet), and chorus sang at their best. Again the South Shore Saints Barbershop Chorus won the Most Improved Chorus Award, not to mention the Best Overall Chorus Award. What a thrill to be part of this group!"

~Luc Larose 

"As for words to describe what came to my mind looking back on our weekend: 1) Challenging: (the competition is getting tougher and the bar for International entry is getting higher!); 2) Our resiliency: (in the face of all that competition); 3) Our continued evolution! (We respond so well to coaching); 4) Our successes! 5) Our ability to do all that with very little sleep... 😬😪" 

~Mario Lapointe

After winning the Most Improved Chorus Award at the Fall Northeastern District (NED) Convention and Contest, St. John, New Brunswick, October, 2022 

Recycled Parts, Fall NED Convention Afterglow, Windham MA, October, 2023

Three of the Harmony Men, en route to Spring NED Convention, Warrensburg NY, May, 2024

Jay-Lee Busque and Mario Lapointe, before performing in Warrensburg NY, May, 2024

View of Lake George from behind the Surfside Hotel, Lake George NY, May, 2024

Awards from the Spring NED Convention in Warrensburg NY, May, 2024, including Best Overall Chorus (top) and Most Improved Chorus (bottom, third year in a row)

Still not convinced? Take your time. You have at least three more opportunities this year to get to know us (you can also visit any of our regular rehearsals every Wednesday).

Annual Barbeque, Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 6 p.m. 321 Rue Empire, Greenfield Park, QC. We will raise funds for a Sing Canada plaque to commemorate the efforts of Don Gillepsie, the last of the initial founding members of our organization to pass away last year. We will serve barbeque hot dogs and turkey, salads and side dishes, as well as a full assortment of desserts. The chorus, our three quartets, and other colleagues will perform several a cappella numbers for your entertainment ($10).

Spaghetti Supper II, Saturday, September 14, 2024, 6 p.m. 321 Rue Empire, Greenfield Park, QC. We will raise funds for the chorus members to attend the Fall NED Convention and Contest. We will serve appetizers, salad, and spaghetti (gluten free options available) with your favorite sauce (vegetarian, meat, spicy, etc.), along with a wide assortment of desserts, many handmade as well. The chorus and our three quartets will entertain you with classic numbers, as well as renowned French songs arranged in the Barbershops style ($20).

Spaghetti Supper, 321 Rue Empire, Greenfield Park, September 23, 2023

Should you become a member at any of these events, you may still be able to attend the Fall NED Convention and sing in our Annual Show. If you miss the first two, you have another chance to visit us at our final event below.

Annual Show, Saturday, November 23, 2024, 7:30 p.m. College Durocher, 375 Riverside Drive, St. Lambert, QC. The full chorus, our three quartets, and a special guest quartet will perform classic and non-classic Barbershop numbers, including a collection of all new songs (some in French), with a distinguished radio host as the Emcee narrating the proceedings ($25). Following the show, you can join us at the Afterglow (5$), where the guest quartet, the South Shore Saints, and our quartets will entertain you with memorable songs while you enjoy an assortment of drinks, sweets and snacks.

Everything I have experienced since becoming a Barbershopper convinces me that this magnificent pastime, which aims to harmonize 4 voice parts, also maintains and restores balance/harmony among 4 key aspects of functioning—spiritual, social, physical, and cognitive. All of these make the experience of singing ceaselessly fun and profoundly rewarding. And no matter what life throws my way, I know that when I get together with my fellow singers on Wednesday, blending our voices together to create beautiful walls of sound, I always return home with my spirit renewed, feeling whole again, and ready to take on a new day.

So, what are you waiting for? Come visit us at one of our rehearsals or events!


Questions? Contact any of us below!

Luc Larose, President:

Alan Briand, Director: 450-656-6994 (H);

Steven Wheaton, Assistant Director: 514-707-3233;

Michel Boucher, VP Chapter Development; 438-501-7189;

Mario Lapointe, VP Marketing; 514-777-7338;

Tatsuya Oyama, VP Music and Performance: 438-877-6159;


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):


1. When and where do you rehearse?

Time: Wednesday Evenings, 7:30 to 10:00 p.m.

Address: St. Paul’s Church, 321 Rue Empire, Greenfield Park, QC J4V 1V4


2. How do I get there?

By Metro from Montreal: 

  • Take the Yellow Line to Longueuil Station, then:
  • Take RTL Bus Line 20 to the corner of Churchill and Rue Empire, then turn right and walk ~100 m to 321 Rue Empire (St. Paul’s Church will be on your right).


  • Take RTL Bus Line 6 to the corner of Victoria and Churchill, walk ~200 m along Churchill towards Rue Empire, then turn right and walk ~100 m to 321 Rue Empire (St. Paul’s Church will be on your right).


  • Contact one of the members above. We will arrange one of our members to meet you at the pick-up area outside of Longueuil Station and drive you to St. Paul’s Church.

Biking from Montreal (Plateau, Quartier Latin, Vieux Montreal):

Option 1: (~42 min.)

  • Take the multipurpose road running alongside Pont Jaques Cartier across to Longueuil. Take the ramp down onto Bd La Fayette, turn right, and then left onto Rue Riverside.
  • Keep going south along Rue Riverside. At Av Alexandria, turn left. Keep along the street until you reach Bd Churchill.
  • Turn left, then cross Av Victoria. Proceed along Bd Churchill. At Rue Empire, take a right.
  •  Keep going about 100 m. St. Paul’s Church will be on your right.

Option 2: (~40 min, but more if drawbridge at Victoria is up)

  • Take the multipurpose road running alongside the Jaques Cartier Bridge. At the first right, turn onto Il St Helene (entrance to Parc Jean Drapeau).
  • Turn left at the curve, then make your way down to Chemin McDonald. Continue along psst the Biosphere to your right. Then make a left onto Pont Cosmos and cross to the far side of Circuit Gilles Villeneuve (Ile Notre Dame).
  • Take Circuit Gilles Villeneuve to its southernmost point, then make a sharp left onto Petite Voie du Fleuve. 
  •  After passing under Pont Victoria, turn left on the bike path up onto the drawbridge (a least a 15-minute wait if it is up) and take the walkway to cross over to Rue Riverside. Then turn right.
  • Keep going south along Rue Riverside. At Av Alexandria, turn left. Keep along the street until you reach Bd Churchill.
  •  Turn left, then cross Av Victoria. Proceed along Bd Churchill. At Rue Empire, take a right.
  •  Keep going about 100 m. St. Paul’s Church will be on your right.

Biking from downtown Montreal (~40 min, if drawbridge at Victoria is down):

  • Find your way onto Chem des Moulins/Rue Riverside and continue going east.
  • Turn left onto Av Pierre-Depuy. Continue until you make a slight left onto Av Pierre-Depuy/Pont Concorde.
  • Continue on Av Pierre-Depuy, crossing over to Ile Notre Dame.
  • After turning onto Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, proceed to its southernmost point, and then make a sharp left onto Petite Voie du Fleuve.
  • After passing under Pont Victoria, turn left on the bike path up onto the drawbridge (a least a 15-minute wait if it is up) and take the walkway to cross over to Rue Riverside. Then turn right.
  • Keep going south along Rue Riverside. At Av Alexandria, turn left. Keep along the street until you reach Bd Churchill.
  • Turn left, then cross Av Victoria. Proceed along Bd Churchill. At Rue Empire, take a right.
  • Keep going about 100 m. St. Paul’s Church will be on your right.


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